un becoming next >>
The project, like so many of American Montage’s projects, takes a very profound and little known subject that begs for exposure and explanation and combines it with challenging and exciting film making possibilities.

The subject of this teleplay is hysterectomy also known as female castration. The teleplay was commissioned by Nora Coffey the director of the HERS Foundation; a not-for-profit group devoted to informing women around the world about the consequences of hysterectomy.

Rick Schweikert, the author of un becoming, and Nora Coffey found Eric through the American Montage web site and immediately felt that he was the best person for the job.

Director: Eric Marciano
Producer: Jill Feyer
Set Design: Eric Marciano, Jill Feyer
Lighting Design: Eric Marciano
Video Producer, Director: Eric Marciano
Television Production and Post-Production Broadcast Television Documentary Production and Post-Production Narrative Film Corporate Video Production and Post-Production Music Videos Animation Consulting About American Montage, Inc.
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Watch the clip (2' 22")