Complexions: The United State of Dance
Diery Prudent, an American Montage associate, directed Juan Proano, vice chairman of the dance ensemble Complexions to Eric Marciano and AMI to oversee the filming of their 2002 Gala Fundraiser “Live and Let Dance.” Complexions was founded by artistic directors Dwight Rhoden and Desmond Richardson, and concieved with the intent to bring together artists of many different races, cultures, sizes and background.American Montage captured the spectacular event with a three-camera shoot or fundraising and archival purposes. Complexions asked that AMI pay special attention and care to dance movement, ensemble interaction and staging of the choreography.

Client: Complexions
Cameras: Joe Piazzo, Fred Hatt, Eric Marciano
Editor: Emilie Agniel
Television Production and Post-Production Broadcast Television Documentary Production and Post-Production Narrative Film Corporate Video Production and Post-Production Music Videos Animation Consulting About American Montage, Inc.
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